Discover 5 Natural Remedies for Meniere’s Disease: Tips from a Chiropractor in Bend

December 10, 2023
Discover 5 Natural Remedies for Meniere’s Disease: Tips from a Chiropractor in Bend

Are you seeking natural relief from Meniere’s disease? Explore 5 effective, drug-free remedies for this inner ear disorder, including practical advice recommended by a reputable chiropractor in Bend. Learn how to alleviate vertigo, tinnitus, and more, naturally! Visit our Upper Cervical Chiropractor in Bend to learn more about how you can alleviate your migraine. You […]

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October 8, 2023
Can Atlas Adjustment Provide Low Back Pain Relief in Bend OR?

Feeling like you're carrying the weight of the world with your low back pain? We get it, finding a comfy spot can be a real struggle, and it seems like every day is a new obstacle course. But guess what? Those pains might not be as separate as they seem. If your back has you […]

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September 10, 2023
Back Pain Relief in Bend: Is There a Natural Option?

Back pain is one of the most common health problems in the world that's also known to trigger other issues. While pain relievers are a quick fix for those who can no longer "tough it out," few are keen on using them for a prolonged period. Thankfully, there is a natural alternative that you can […]

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July 23, 2023
Conquer Your Migraines: Discover the Potential of NUCCA

Are you one of the estimated 39 million Americans living with migraine? Or are you part of the undiagnosed statistics because you're unsure if what you experience are migraines? Have you ever felt like there's a storm inside your head, with lightning bolts of pain flashing behind your eyes? Or perhaps the pain feels like […]

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June 11, 2023
Chiropractor in Bend Shares 6 Disabling Migraine Symptoms

Are you frequently troubled by headaches that seem more intense than usual? You could be suffering from migraines, a neurological condition causing severe headaches and other disabling symptoms. As an experienced chiropractor in Bend, True Spine Chiropractic has worked with many patients navigating this debilitating condition. Listed in our infographics are six crippling migraine symptoms […]

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April 9, 2023
Vestibular Hypofunction and Your Best Option for Vertigo Relief

Have you ever had days when you feel like your world is spinning out of control? Do you struggle to keep your balance when you walk or stand? Do you have days when you feel like the ground beneath your feet constantly shifts? Have you been diagnosed with vestibular hypofunction or Meniere's disease? Are you […]

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March 12, 2023
Peripheral and Central Vertigo Types Explained by a Bend Upper Cervical Chiropractor

The most common type of vertigo is known as peripheral vertigo as it mostly involves problems with the inner ear. However, another type, known as central vertigo, is far more serious as it is caused by issues with one’s central nervous system, which makes up the brain and spinal cord. There are also several conditions […]

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January 22, 2023
Sciatica and Knee Pain: Is There A Connection?

Have you ever experienced knee pain during your sciatica flare-ups? You might think the two conditions are unrelated, but there is definitely a connection between them. As you may know, sciatica is a condition caused by compression of your sciatic nerve. This is the biggest nerve in the body, running from your lower back through […]

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December 11, 2022
Chiropractor in Bend Shares Secrets to Alleviate Back Pain

If left poorly managed, back problems may lead to devastating complications. The best way to prevent this is by getting to know what's causing it so you can make some changes; here are the top 7 causes of middle and upper back pain. We will also tackle the importance of seeking a chiropractor in Bend, […]

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October 23, 2022
Subtle Hints That Your May Have Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia (FM) is one of the most complex neurological conditions affecting Americans. Studies explain that it causes varying pain levels and discomfort to the affected individuals, making it challenging to stay active and fully enjoy life. Although there's no known cure for fibromyalgia, patients can manage their symptoms with the help of simple lifestyle changes […]

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